Biden Announces Climate Change, Economic Initiatives for Pacific Islands

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a Pacific islands Forum at the White House, President Joe Biden announced new investments the US is making in the Pacific Islands as well as addressing the concerns of climate change and international security.  

18 leaders from Pacific Island nations gathered in Washington for a two-day summit. The White house is now formally establishing diplomatic relations with the Cook Islands and Niue. In their gathering, Biden announced a wave of new initiatives and money going to the region, like establishing a microfinance facility in the pacific to help expand access to finances for small businesses and extending a ten year- 600 million dollar agreement to support sustainable development of Pacific Island fisheries. The White House also announced they’re working with congress to provide two-hundred million to help the Pacific Islands with climate change. Biden said the money will help them prepare for climate and natural hazards and improve their infrastructure.  

“I want you to know I hear you,” said President Biden. “People in the United States and around the world hear you. We hear your warnings of a rising sea that what they pose an existential threat to your nations. We hear your calls for reassurance that you never, never, never will lose your state or membership of the UN as a result of climate crisis. Today, the United States is making it clear that this is our position as well. “