Senate Moves Forward with Stopgap Measure, House Unlikely Able to Pass it

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congress has until midnight on September 30th to finalize spending bills but so far, they are still not agreeing on these bills which threatens a government shutdown. We’ve kept our eye on the House because that’s where the Speaker is finding it difficult getting his own members to agree on spending bills. Now, it’s the Senate that is saying they will try to move forward with legislation to avert a shutdown. 

Senate republicans and democrats have put together a stopgap bill to fund the government through mid-November. It’s not the final solution but it’s just something to keep the government up and running so members have more time to finalize a budget. This proposal will continue to provide about six billion for Ukraine and an additional six billion for disaster relief as places throughout the US are experiencing wildfires and flooding. We expect this proposal to get a lot of opposition in the House mostly because it includes aid for Ukraine, which many republicans are against. It also keeps spending at the current levels which some far-right House republicans want to cut even further.  Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said this short term solution doesn’t have enough support in the House. The Speaker told reporters a government shutdown could further complicate the border crisis and warning his own members that a shutdown could impact the border.

“I talked to my conference today,” said Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R- CA). “I think to get the next five, we’re going to need more time. So we will pass a continuing resolution, bring that rule up hopefully on Friday, that would keep the government open. But at the same time, deal with the border.”

McCarthy also criticized the president for international and domestic policy issues, like border security which is something House republicans are wanting to incorporate into these spending bills. He’s asking for a sit down with the president on this but ultimately, it’s congress’ responsibility to produce these spending bills.