House Republicans Relieved to Elect New Speaker

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The US House of Representatives is finally back in order after rallying around a new Speaker. Louisiana Representative Mike Johnson (R- LA) received unanimous support from House republicans to win the gavel.   

We spoke with eastern Pennsylvania Representative Dan Meuser and New York Representative Nick Langworthy following Johnson’s win; they are relieved this Speaker drama is finally over. It took the House 22 days, four Speaker nominees, four-rounds of floor voting to elect a new Speaker.  

While republicans praised Johnson for his ability to work with everyone and unite the conference, democrats are raising their concerns about the new Speaker. In their floor speeches, they said Johnson is one of many who voted to decertify the 2020 election results and he also served on former president Trump’s impeachment defense team. Johnson is a four-term congressman who has now been elevated to the highest position in the House.

Guam’s Congressional Delegate Jim Moylan (R- GUAM) sent this statement following Johnson’s Speaker election:

By a vote of 220 to 209, this afternoon Members elected Representative Mike
Johnson as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives of the 118th Congress. While there
have been unique challenges for the Republican Caucus to identify a nominee who could secure
the needed votes on the floor, Speaker Johnson brings a strong conservative agenda that appeals to
all aspects of the GOP Caucus and membership in general.

“Mike is a Constitutional Attorney, who prioritizes faith and family. On multiple occasions I have
had the opportunity to discuss critical issues affecting my island community. We currently serve
together on the House Armed Services Committee, and I look forward to working with him in a
different capacity”, stated Delegate James Moylan. “This is a good day for Congress, as we can
finally reconvene all critical business and continue the work our constituents elected us to do. This
is also a good day for Guam, as we have another Speaker who understands the importance of our
island and community, which goes far beyond military installations.”

Delegate Jim Moylan

We asked members about their thoughts on Johnson becoming the Speaker: 

“We’re getting back to work for the American people it feels good and it feels good to be united once again,” said Rep. Nick Langworthy (R- NY). 

“I think America wants new faces, America wants new energy, perhaps new ideas,” said Rep. Dan Meuser (R- PA). “He’s got enough time here but not the baggage.“  

It almost feels like the chaos is now over in the House. We know it’s a huge relief for republicans here who were unable to get behind Steve Scalise (R- LA), Jim Jordan (R- OH) and Tom Emmer (R- MN). Members told us now they can get back to work, dealing issues that impact our local communities like inflation, growing the economy, small businesses and border security. Members said their first order in the House is to pass a resolution showing support for Israel.