New York Senator Urges FBI, DHS to Ensure Safety of Jewish Communities Following Increase in Antisemitism

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressional members are concerned an increase of threats and violence against the Jewish community are growing in the US since the Hamas-Israel conflict began earlier this month. One New York senator is calling on federal agencies to step up and ensure Jewish communities are better protected.  

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D- NY) said more than 300 incidents of assaults or harassment against members of the Jewish community have been reported across the nation ever since the conflict began. In one example, there are reports of Jewish students at Cornell University feeling fearful after violent online threats were made against the Jewish community there.  

Gillibrand is calling on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to prioritize the safety of Jewish organizations, including schools, synagogues and community centers. Urging them to help quickly respond to any threats of violence.  

Both republican and democratic Senators are condemning any act of violence in our communities.  

“Antisemitism equates the hatred of the Jews and this must be forcefully condemned by us leaders,” said Sen. Steve Daines (R- MT).  

“There’s no excuse for violence or hate in any group based on religion or ethnicity,” said Sen. Gillibrand. “Our communities deserve to be protected and I’m working with my colleagues in congress to keep our children our families and our loved ones safe.” 

Senator Gillibrand also adds that Islamophobic threats and incidents have also been reported across the US, too. Gillibrand is urging congress to increase funding for FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP helps provide support for nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attacks. The senator said places like synagogues or mosques and other high-risk institutions can help use that funding to better equip themselves with things like security cameras, funding for security guards and more to help keep them safe.