Speaker Johnson Faces First Major Uphill Battle as Government Funding Deadline Approaches

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The threat of a government shutdown grows as congress struggles to find a solution to fund the government. Members have discussed several different paths to avert a shutdown. But with the deadline Friday, time is running out.  

The House Rules Committee looked at Speaker of the House Mike Johnson’s (R- LA) proposal to keep the government funded. The Speaker’s proposal is being called a “laddered” continuing resolution. Essentially it would create two different deadlines to fund the government. It would extend some funding to expire mid-January and other funding to expire early February. Johnson said this bill will give them more time to keep the government open and avoid a holiday omnibus package.  

This approach is not welcomed by all House republicans. We are hearing from members, particularly far-right republicans, who said they are not interested in Johnson’s plan. They also said they are not interested in another short-term spending bill in general. Members like Representative Scott Perry (R- PA) said in part on social media he “will not support a status quo that fails to acknowledge fiscal irresponsibility.” Right now it’s unclear how the Speaker’s proposal will do in the House if it makes it to the floor. But regardless, it the first major uphill battle for Johnson.  

We’re approaching a situation kind of like what happened to McCarthy where he needed democrats to pass the continuing resolution because of the republican holdouts. Getting those democratic votes ultimately led to him getting ousted.  

The deadline to fund the government is Friday November 17.