Moylan Warns Chinese Hackers Pose Threat to Guam, US Cyber Infrastructure

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The FBI and Guam’s Delegate Jim Moylan (R- GUAM) is sounding the alarm and warning Americans the Chinese government could wreak havoc on our cyber infrastructure. Guam has already battled with their own wave of attacks from Chinese hackers. We spoke with Congressman Moylan on this and the threat China poses to the island.  

“The CCP’s dangerous actions, China’s multipronged assault on our national and economic security make it the defining threat of our generation,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray in a recent congressional hearing.  

Wray gave a daunting message: Chinese hackers pose a threat to America’s security.  

“China’s hackers are positioning on American infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real world harm to American citizens and communities if and when China decides the time has come to strike,” warned Wray.  

This issue is not new to Guam. 

“We have experienced those attacks as well,” said Rep. Moylan. “In our communications sector and our military as well as Guam Memorial Hospital. They received cyber-attacks from the Chinese Communist Party. I think we had some lessons learned from our last attacks and as a nation we’re doing what we can.” 

On the same day as Typhoon Mawar hit the island, the US Army said “a malicious computer code was discovered in Guam. The attacks were attributed to Volt Typhoon, a state-sponsored hacking group that conducts espionage and information gathering for the Chinese government.”  

“PRC (People’s Republic of China) hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure,” said Wray. “Our water treatment plants, our electrical grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines, our transportation systems and the risk that poses to every American requires our attention now.” 

Congressional members warn if the Chinese government’s hackers are successful, they could cause societal chaos by targeting Americans, including experiencing blackouts, access to cell towers and the internet. We could also lose access to clean water and fuel. Moylan warns China is testing their limits with US cyber infrastructure with Guam and wants deterrence and prevention to remain a top topic.  

“The FBI is correct we need to bring attention to it and we need to bring attention to it on Guam specifically,” said Rep. Moylan.